Sunday, August 29, 2010

Infinite Science

This vast world along with the total creation is based on science. This huge earth resting on the void rotates around the sun in the vast orbit. The earth revolves around the sun in its fixed orbit, it does not bear any capacity to deviate from its fixed path and this also is science. When disease strikes, alleviation occurs through medicine or surgery. This also is science. In this manner trees, mountains, rivers, seas along with the endless nature remaining in their own respective positions are engaged in their respective positions, this is also science. The innocent frivolity of each child, the liveliness of youth, the infirmity of old age, all these are also science. In a world infinite creation constitutes science. Thus this science is endless. Therefore, this science is also dharma. Thus science being infinite, dharma is infinite hence Prana is infinite.

This science hence dharma cannot be created by man, as it transcends the limits or purview of man. No matter how great a man considers himself, he is also a limited being. Thus what ever man executes is within the realm of confinement. Therefore this science, hence dharma cannot be established by man.

Indian munis and rushis possessed infinite knowledge, they did not establish this infinite science or infinite dharma, instead named this dharma as ‘Sanatana Dharma’. Sanatana means what eternally existed, exists and will exist. Man bothers himself about gross science which can never give the lead to endlessness. Despite this if man does establish any religion, definitely it’ll be impermanent. Not only this, science cannot exist in the man made religions because man is limited. For this reason the so called man-made religions harbor imagination, impulse, conservation etc. All these emanate from the mind, therefore man-made religions cannot have the infinite science. Thus man is engaged in invocations, eulogies, making the quest for god, prayers and so on and so forth. They are unaware that what infinite science is, what is infinite dharma, infinite Bhagavan, hence infinite Prana. Due to material propensities man has forgotten that he also is infinite science, infinite dharma, infinite Prana and hence a being within infinite Bhagavan. The bond with the infinite prevails within him also, i.e. he’ll not stand barring the infinite. Thus man does not bear the authority to cause disintegration, division, establishment of religion or institute prayers that are unnecessary. All these indicate the confines of limits. As long as man is confined, he is far removed from boundlessness. There is no cogent proof that man praying to god is successful in getting his prayers reach there. If anyone invokes god with names there is no evidence whether his invocations have reached him. Offerings to god are also made by, bears no testimony because prayers, invocations or offerings are all functions of the senses. Thus any action performed through the sensory disposition cannot reach the realm beyond the senses.

Therefore man-made religions cannot contain the infinite knowledge as infinite science cannot inhere in it. Sanatana Dharma never professes the medium of prayers. Sanatana Dharma is self nascent. Thus Sanatana Dharma never speaks about, ‘Indians’ within limited confines, it speaks about the totality and beyond it. As long as humanity does not abandon the conservatism, divisions, does not ponder over this infinite dharma, till their minds will be confined, therefore not attain progressiveness hence ‘PEACE’.


Gurudev and world Kriya master
Vacaspati Dr. Ashok Kumar Chatterjee Mahasaya

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