Friday, August 27, 2010

The Brahma Vidya of Yoga shastra

The end of each chapter of Gita quotes- “Thus latent Brahma Knowledge of Yoga scriptures denoted through the counsel of Krishna imparted to Arjuna … ” etc. Here from this it can be deduces that each chapter of the Gita, expounds Brahma knowledge and Yoga Shastra. God has never advised Arjuna to cry, instead he advised Arjuna to be strong willed and through the medium of yoga Shastra wage the sadhana battle for the attainment of soul-knowledge or Brahma Knowledge.

To wage the sadhana battle a weapon is required. This weapon is the pranayama weapon that is the pranayama like Bow and Arrow or else fighting with the mace to defeat the enemy-the sensory proclivities, hence realizes me, that is to know yourself, which is attaining soul-knowledge and get salvation. This is the sublime dharma.

Again god has never advised Arjuna to invoke or to attain soul-knowledge through gross worship. He has never imparted counsel to abandon parents, wife-son, loved ones and the material world or to don saffron robes and abide in mathas or missions. Instead he has asked to practice dharma along with wife.

Shiva’s wife is Sati, Rama`s wife is Sita, Krishna is accompanied by Radha, all the deities and munis are married figures. To restore the esteem of his life, lord Shiva had caused a holocaust (Dakshya Yajna) to occur. Bhagavan Ram Chandra had occasionised a tumultuous fray (Lankakand) at Sri Lanka. From this it can be deduced that Indian traditions and culture or else Sanatana Dharma has never counseled man to relinquish the family ambit or the discipline of daily life and donning saffron robes, residing in mathas or missions. After Shankaracharya, the use of saffron clothes was initiated. They did not exist before this. Historians are aware that discipline of abandoning family existence had commenced in India through Buddhist and Shankaracharyan influence. Thus abandoning family existence is not the percept of Sanatana Dharma.

Therefore Indians today are distantly remote from soul-knowledge or Brahma-Knowledge attainment which has been continuing since aeons in Bharata, through which innumerable Indians would attain salvation, eternal peace through annihilating the sensory vices. Now a day, the renunciates do not lead man to the path because they themselves are ignorant about it.

The vast wealth latent in the veins of Indians like the subterranean under current of river Phalgu being dedicated from them through the principle of amassing huge wealth, enjoying material pleasures and being attached towards sensory orient actions. Man is being misguided by the ones whom they trust can’t lead them to the path of Dharma. If the spiritual teacher is greedy, a sensualist and is materially oriented then he will attract the men who are spiritually thirst towards the path, where in lies a doubt in that. If a renunciate under the guise of advice, remarks to a householder that “See, I have renounced the world without any hesitation by donning saffron robes and have chosen mathas and missions as my adobe, can u do so? “ If that intelligent Shastra conversant replies- “I shall never follow it because the Shastras have quoted ‘Practice dharma along with your wife’ and another reason why I shall not renounce family life is when I arrived in this world from my mother’s womb as an infant and if my mother would have abandoned me in the garbage dump, what would have been my fate? But my mother did not perpetrate this instead she has nursed me, taken in her lap, spent sleepless nights catering to my needs taking pains reared me up. If I abandon my parents and go to mathas and missions I will not attain dharma. If I do not marry I might indulge in debauchery, give birth to retrograde genes, cannot practice dharma along with wife, which is against the shastras. If anyone remarks salvation is not required, saffron robes is necessary, then it is shirking thought”.
Kriya yoga is the Gita stipulated Brahma knowledge or yogashastra. Those who are non-desirous of attaining soul knowledge, handle a huge amount of wealth, abiding in mathas or missions, neglecting their parents, Where as innumerable householders who aspire to make their human lives fruitful by attaining soul knowledge, hence salvation they irrespective of rich or poor remaining in the family ambit, earning their livelihood, remain steeped in austere sadhana in the corner of their rooms. The infinite current of Bharatiya thought is being maintained and will be maintained by them in the future. Mahatma Ramprasad has remarked in this regard-“Family Dharma is very important, for this reason I cannot abandon it”. Yogiraj Shyamachurn Lahiri Mahasaya also maintaing family existence arriving at the pinnacle of sadhana has remarked- “Gruhastya ashram (house hold) is the greatest amongst four ashrams. The other three are dependant on it only”. To reach this sublime idea of Yogiraj to the masses Yogiraj Shyamachurn Sanatana Mission has constructed a temple at Degaon, Nusrapur a few kilometers away from pune, Maharastra where prevails the majestic marble image of Bhagavan Krishna-Shyamachurn. People of this region can find the highest objectives of their lives-the path for soul knowledge or salvation. Maharastra has given birth to a few sublime kriyayogis. Amongst them are Ramdas swami, Mahatma Jnaneshwar, Mahatma Tukaram and an initiate of Bhagavan Krishna Shyamachurn, Sai baba of Shirdi.

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