Saturday, August 28, 2010

Translation for letter-5

Sri Nilmadhav Sarkar

The historical proof of Lahiri Mahasay’s writing of Commentaries.
The Kriyanwit disciple [Nilmadhav Sarkar]:
Your new book Sankhya Darsan is published, please send a copy to me. The enclosed stamp is for the postage.

Lahiri Mahasay’s reply:
Sent Manusanghita and Sankhya (Sankhya Darsan). Manu costs half a rupee and Sankhya is free.
[Occasionally, Lahiri Mahasay asked Panchanan Bhattacharya to send copies of different titles so he could send to Kriyanwit like Nilmadhav Sarkar. Thus Lahiri Mahasay participated in the distribution of the Kriya Books.]

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