Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Objectives and Ideals of Yogiraj Shyamacharn Sanatan Mission

1) Its principal objective is to reorient man towards peace and de stress him from various dichotomies, disorders and anomalies.
2) The mission organizes seminars, workshops, symposiums, discussions on Kriyayoga to enable man to glean the Kriyayoga essence that
a) Kriyayoga is the science about Prana. This is Prana-Dharma or Prana-religion. This only is Sanatana dharma which has been infinitely continuing through out the creation.
b) That worship of Prana transcends all religions, castes, sects, isms etc. It is based on non duality. God id non dual, so attaining of god is never possible through the path of several religions. Serving Prana is the actual service.
c) That this Prana karma is Karma Yoga. It can be practised by one and all and its ardent practice in three successive births will make man free from the bondages of births and deaths.
d) Hence the Mission is endeavouring to propagate Yogiraj awareness thus Prana consciousness and unite the world in one platform fostering peace, fraternity and solidarity by which peace will ensure spontaneously within and without and will no longer remain an external factor to be sought.
e) The Mission also endeavours to publish journals, books, pamphlets and other literary material to make the essence of Kriyayoga comprehensible and lucid to one and all.

Brief about Yogiraj Shyamacharan Sanatan Mission

This mission has been founded on 30th September, 1991 on the 96th Advent Anniversary of Yogiraj Shyamacharan Lahiri Mahasaya, fountain head of Kriya yoga, by Yogacharya Vacaspati Dr. Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee, world Kriya master, at Pukurberia, kakadwip, 24-Parganas (south), West Bengal, with the sole objective of creating awareness on Yogiraj. The mission was inaugurated on 2nd October 1995, the sublime centenary day of Yogiraj Shyamacharan Lahiri Mahasaya.
The mission houses a stately temple dedicated to Yogiraj Shyamacharan Lahiri Mahasaya at Pukurberia, kakadwip.
At a later date under the aegis of Yogacharya Vacaspati Dr. Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee, world Kriya master and mission director, several units of this mission and also temples dedicated to Yogiraj Shyamacharan Lahiri Mahasaya have been established. They are at Kesiakol, Bankura, West Bengal, at Degaon, Nusrapur about 30 kms from pune, Maharastra, with the sole objective of furthering of ideals and tenets of Yogiraj Shyamacharan Lahiri Mahasaya.

why this kriyayoga sadhana should be performed?

Slowly and gradually through the Kriya yoga sadhana a soul seeker’s quest for the soul is appeased. He will know who he is, from where he has originated and to where he shall return. He thus knows he has originated from the soul and shall return or revert to his still state or infinite soul by attaining mergence there. When the world will gain cognizance about Prana, love and peace will evolve spontaneously.
When the man becomes nascent he falls in the ambit of vibrations. This high degree of vibrations entails man to become a victim of sufferings and sorrows. Therefore it is imperative for man to reduce this Prana vibration to the least possible vibrations, then the mind will remain at peace, there will be no tensions and there will be release from the fear of death, material orientation will lessen, then the individual will remain far removed from desires, aspirations, greed, malice and is replete from inherent peace, eventually will attain emancipation from the birth-death cycles, diseases, afflictions, sorrows etc. This is the eternal precept of Bharath.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Prana-Science Pervasiveness

Kriya yoga is the science about Prana. Prana is the essential amongst everything animate and inanimate, because of the existence of this Prana, everyone is alive, all actions are performed, enjoyment and suffering can be experienced. This Prana inheres within and without the creation. It is present in humans, animals, insects, sun, moon, stars, sky, in the five elements or senses and thus in the total creation. Kriya yoga is the worship of Prana or Prana-oblation.

Speciality of Kriya yoga

The tenet of kriyayoga is to overcome Prana vibration and attain stillness. This attainment of stillness is salvation. The path from which we have deviated from the stillness and entered dynamism is one and the same, similarly the path by which we have to revert to our original state that is proceed from dynamism to stillness is one and the same-this is Kriya yoga sadhana by which salvation can be attained.

The Science of Soul

Kriya yoga

Kriya yoga is an ancient Indian science. Rushi Patangali in his Patanjala Yogasutras has cleared mentioned about this Kriya yoga dating back 15,000 years. All munis, rushis, yogis and mahapurushas have practiced this Kriya yoga sadhana. At a later date Bhagavan Krishna altered the name of this Kriya yoga into Rajayoga. Though kriyayoga and Rajayoga are two separate names they are essentially the same.

Kriya yoga is an eternal science. It is the action or process by which one can attain union with the absolute.